Bernall Ackerman

Bob Adams

Mary Conkey Adams

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Albrecht

Henry & Elizabeth Aldridge

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Alexander

All Seasons Mini Golf

Dorothy A. Amare

Chris Anderson

Mrs. Lyle Anderson

Dr. & Mrs. Cary Andras, Jr

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Aossey

Allen & Nan Applebee

Andrew F. Applebee

Arends-Awe, Inc

Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Larry L Arndt

Mr. & Mrs. George Ashby

State Bank of Ashland

Marcia Auld DMD

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Austwick

Dr. Dennis Backstrom

John & Vonnie Bailey

Helen Baldwin

Louise K Bancroft

Marlys Bandy

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bandy

Pastor & Mrs. Jack Banton

Jack & Midge Barnes

Lloyd Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barnum

Toni Barr

Eldon Barrowes, DDS

Mr. & Mrs. C Dale Batty

Donald Baugher

Cathy Baumann

Dan Beard

Helen Beard

Kathy Beckelman

Loren & Joy French Becker

Mr. & Mrs. Ruel Becker

Charles Bellatti

Margaret T. Bellatti

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Belobrajdic

Judith A Beiderbecke

Mrs. Mary Beiderbecke

Morris & Doris Bell

Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Bell

Charles Bellatti

Margaret T. Bellatti

Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Bellatti

Mr. & Mrs. George Bengel

Benton & Associates, Inc.

Pastor & Mrs. Jack Benton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Benton

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Bergschneider

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bergschneider

Virginia Bergschneider

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bernardini

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berry

Mrs. Eleanor J Bethel

Big Red Q Quikprint

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Biloz

Patricia Birkett

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde D Black, Jr.

Geordie Black

James & Carolyn Black

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Black

Mrs. W. E. Blackburn

Blackhawk Village, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Blackwood

Leonard & Carol Bogle

Dr. & Mrs. James Bohan

Mr. & Mrs. John Bomke

John C Bomke Insurance

Dr. & Mrs. EC Bone

J David Bone family, Gratia & Caroline

Mr. & Mrs. Dale E Bordt

Jerry & Ruth Bose

Theresa Boucher

James Bowman

Boyd Music

Brytte Boyle

Elmer & Freida Bradbury

Keith & Nancy Bradbury

Kenneth W Bradbury

Mr. & Mrs. Don Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E Bradley

Dr. & Mrs. Ross Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bradney

Branstiter Printing Company

Maureen Brennan

Eleanor Brockhouse

Mrs. Helen Bronson

Dionne Brown

Mr. & Mrs. H. O. Brownback

Mr. and Mrs. C. John Browning

Bill Buchanan

Mrs. Mary Buck

Mr. & Mrs. James R Buhlig

Ethelee Bunfill

Mr. & Mrs. John O Burch

Bob & Pat Burgess

Coy & Leona Burnett

Rand and Pat Burnette

Adelle Burrus

John & Nancy Bury

Ethelee Bunfil

Phillip Button

Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Byers

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H Caldwell

Virginia Calhoun

Terri Campbell

Deane Cannell

Mr. & Mrs. Roger D Cannell

Steve, Nicole & Alice Cantrell

Rose Ann Carl

Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Carls


Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Carpenter

Margaret Carrigan

Gary Carter

Central National Life Insurance Company

D Kay Chambers

Mrs. Margarette Chambers

Margarette Chambers

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Chance

Chapin State Bank

Dr. Elaine Chapman

Mrs. John R Chapman

Mrs. Mary Carol Chester

Lois Childers

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Chiles

Bill & Betty Chipman

Bob & Janet Chipman

Tim Chipman

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Choate

Rev. Jack & Eva Christian

John A Christensen

Cinderella Shop

Mrs. Bill Clancy

Leona Clancy

Mr. & Mrs. Don M Clark

Mr. & Mrs. George Clark

Mrs. Charlotte S Cleeland

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cline

Dr. & Mrs. Loren Cline

Roy, Norma, & Della Close

Betty Cobb

Dorothy Cobb-Keller

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cody

Richard & Donna Cody

Mr. & Mrs. Willard Cody

Mr. & Mrs. Hy Cohen

Marijane Colburn

Lois & Darrell Cole

Marie Conrad

Don & Melanie Cook

Dr. Muriel Cooper & Brian

Liliana Costa

Coultas Heating & Air Conditioning

Mr. & Mrs. David Coultas

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coultas

Mr. & Mrs. James C Coultas

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cox

Geraldine Coyle

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Crabtree

Mrs. Lawrence W Crawford

Maxine Crawford

Crim Enterprises

Charles & Joanne Crim

Patricia Crouse

Pat Crow

Robert & Sandy Crowe

Robert & Elizabeth Crowley

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Crum

Mr. & Mrs. Woods M. Crum

Mr. & Mrs. Jack A Crump

Terry & Ellie Cullen

Doris Culbertson-Shay

Curtis Beauty Salon

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Dahman

Dr. & Mrs. John Dailey

Maggie Dalton

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Daniels

Eileen Dannewitz

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Darter

Mr. and Mrs. Earl A Davis

Alfred & Jeanne Darter

Illinois Representative CD Davidsmeyer

Mr. & Mrs. James Davidsmeyer

Mr. & Mrs. Earl Davis

Dr James & Joanna Davis

Harvey & Dora Dawson

Kenton Dawson

Opal Day

Connie Dean

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G Dearing

Roger Deem

William C Deem

Dr. & Mrs. Phil Decker

John Deere Life Insurance

Bill & Betty DeFrates

Mrs. Louise Dennis

Helen DeSollar

William DeSollas, II

Mr. & Mrs. Leo F Devlin

Mr. & Mrs. Jim De Vore

Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Dewees

Margaret Dinwiddie

Dave & Glennda Dokka

Francis E Doolin

Gary & Linda Donovan

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C Downey

Sarah Elizabeth Downey

Doyle, Shanle, Downey Ins Agency

Dr. Dennis & Shelley Doyle

Verna Duewer

Etheleen & Bob Duffy

John J Duffy, Jr.

Kathleen Dunn

Mrs. Wendell Dysinger

Bill & Cheryl Early

East Morton Highland Center

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Eberhardt

Mary Helen Eide

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eirhart

Georgia Elias

Gladys Elliott

Elliott State Bank

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Engebrecht

Amy Engelbach

Dr & Mrs. Friedrich Engelbach

Don English

Richard English

Rick, Mary, Bridget English

Rev. Leo Enlow

Kathy Erixon

Grant Estes

Mr. & Mrs. James R Etherton

Larry & Connie Evans

John & Linda Eyth

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fairfield

Ed & Viola Fairless

Francis Fanning

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Farmer

Farmers State Bank and Trust Company

Judith Fay

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Federico

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Fengel

Colonel Vern & Edythe Fernandes

Mr. & Mrs. John Ferrar

Mr. & Mrs. Tripp Fezler

Dr. & Mrs. Don P Filson

Paul & Lucille Findley

David B Finney

First State Bank of Winchester

Barbara Floreth

Greg Floyd

Larry & Martha Flynn

Elizabeth Ford

The Forrler Family

Mrs. Helen Foreman

Doris Jo Foster

Jim & Kathy Foster

Fox Pools/Nu-Air Supply Co.

Mr. & Mrs. James R Fox

Max C. Fox

Merle T Fox

Dorothy Frank

Dr. & Mrs. Walter Frank

Kathleen Frazier

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Frazier

Liz Frazier

Bill & Lois Freeman

Mr. & Mrs. K. Freesen

Mr. & Mrs. O. Robert Freesen

Mrs. Arthur Joy French

Lorna Fricke

Joan L Fry

Mr. & Mrs. Luke Fry

Harlan and Mary Ann Fuelling

Wolf & Anna Fuhrig

Lotte S Furst

Dr & Mrs. Walter M. Furst

Mrs. Connie Galvez

Ivan & Gladys Garrison

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gatens

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gay

Larry & Maris Gent

Dr. & Mrs. Eric Giebelhausen

Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Gill

Gillespie’s – Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gillespie

Mrs. Walton Gillespie

Charles Gillgrass

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Gimmy

Carl Ginder

Daryl & Donna Ginther

Mr. Donald Gix

Tom & Susan Glossop

Panlino Gobeen

Phoebe Goheen

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goldasich

Golden Rule Decorating

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gonzalez

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Goodin & Christy

Ron Goodrich Family

Sharon & Gary Grams

Jim & Wanda Grant

Toni Graves

Mr. Ronald Gray

Mrs. Hugh Green

Dr. & Mrs. James Green

Mrs. Lucille Green

Virginia Green

Bernard & Jan Gregory

Mr. & Mrs. John Griffin & Dawn

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Grojean

Grojean Realty

Dr. & Mrs. William Gross

GTE North Incorporated

Tom & Tammy Guthrie

Dorothy Hack

Jane Hadden

John & Jeanette Hadden

Dr. Hilda Hale

Edward D. Hall

Mr. John F Hall

Robert Hall

Betty Hamilton

Hamilton’s Catering Service

Betty Hamm

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamm

Major & Mrs. James Hankins

Mary Lou Hankins

Connie & Barb Hanley

Barb Hansmeier

Richard & Barbara Hanson

Martha Hapke

Mrs. Anita Hardin

Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Hardwick, Sr.

Victoria E Hargrave

Gary Harness

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Harpole

Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Harrington & Kit

Mrs. Paul Hartley

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hartman

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hartong

Betty F Hays

Bill & Vera Hayes

Pearl Hawrysz

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hazelrigg

Heartland School of Business

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Heaton

Lyn & Alice Heaton

L S Heaton

Heitbrink Realtor

Dr. Kurt Heller

Mr & Mrs Helling

Dick Hembrough

H.E. & Esther Hembrough

Walter D Hendrickson Jr.

Brittany Henry

Mrs. Sybil Henry

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Herr

Paul Herring

Mr. & Mrs. E V Hewitt

John & Delores Hill

Dr & Mrs. James Hinchen

Mr. & Mrs. John Hinde

Hobart & Marian Hinderliter

John & Bernie Hoagland

Stephanie Hobrock

Mr. & Mr. Milt Hocking

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoffman

Matt & Diane Hollendonner

Bill & Lavonne Holloway

Mrs. Ruth Holmes

Ruby Hoots

Frank Hopkins

Judi Hopper

Margaret Fay Hopper

Mr. & Mrs. George W Horton Jr.

Vicky Hosey

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Howard

Mrs. Ruth E Howard

Esta Lou Hubbert

Ms. Loralee L Huber

Mr. & Mrs. Ted Huber & family

Mr. & Mrs. Sam D Hudson

Mr. & Mrs. David Huff

Grace Hughes

Michael & Jamsie Hurt

John & Shirley Husa

Hynes & Minniear

Internet Ad Consultants

John & Robert Jackson

Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living (JACIL)

Jacksonville Business and Careers Institute

Jacksonville Center for the Arts

Jacksonville, City of

Jacksonville Landscape Nursery

Jacksonville Public Library, Friends of

Jacksonville Savings Bank

Kristin Van Aken Jamison

Dr & Mrs. Wallace N Jamison

Del & Carole Jarman

Howard Jarratt & Stephanie Smith-Jarratt

Gladys Jarrett

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Jarvis

John Deere Life Insurance Co.

Barb Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson

Dick & Marilyn Johnston

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Jokisch

Paul & Gretchen Jokisch

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Jokisch

Roger A Jokisch family

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jones

Mrs. Lillian Jones

Mickey & Jeannie Jones

Mrs. Willard Jones

Jones Meat & Locker Service

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jozwik

Liliana Kalanik

Dr. & Mrs. C. Leplie Kanatzar

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kaufmann

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaufmann, Jr.

Dennis S. Keller

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A Keller

Lorna Kelly

Francis Kemper

Ms. Norma Kern

Russ Kerr

Mr. & Mrs. G. Ronald Kesinger

The Law Offices of G. Ronald Kesinger

Mr. & Mrs. William S Kilby

Terri Kimler

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Kinen

Mr. & Mrs. Donald King

Mr. Danny Kirkpatrick

Dr & Mrs. Dean Kirkpatrick

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Kobernus

Mrs. Eugene Kohlbecker

Mary E Kolberer

Hester M Kolmer

Mr. & Mrs. John F Kolp

Dr. J Kozma

Bob & Loraine Krueger

Dr & Mrs. Robert A. Krugar

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kruthaupt

Chuck & Reba Krell

Krell’s Quick Print

David & Helen Kuhn

Larry & Mary Kuster

LaCrosse Lumber Company

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lacy

Lucille R. Lair

Kathryn Lakamp

Mrs. Elizabeth Lambert

Renée Landes

Mr. & Mrs. E Duane Landreth

Helen Landreth

Mrs. Jerome Langdon

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Langdon

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Langdon

Barbara Langton Interiors

Langdon Real Estate and Insurance Agency

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Langdon

Mrs. Ann Large

Mrs. Patricia A Large

Robert & Susan Large

Larsons in Whitehall

Ritita Lassinaro

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lauff

Dr & Mrs. Eugene Laurent

Pamela Laurent

Polly Lawson

Mr. & Mrs. David Leinberger

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Lentsch

Greg & Diane Lepper

Emma Mae Leonard

Mr. & Mrs. Carroll D Lewis

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lieb

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Linde

Kay Lindsay

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Linebaugh

Long’s Pharmacy

Mary Longmeyer

Rick & Barbara Lovekamp

David M. Loucks & JoAnn Moller

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Lukeman

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Myron Madsen & Kris

Freda Mallicoat

Mrs. Mary Manlove and friends

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mann

John & Jeanne Mann

Mrs. J. B. Marsh

Michael & Laura Marks

Marlene’s Dance Studio

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Massey

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Matthew

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Matthew

Walt & Dorothy Matthews

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J Maxwell

Susan Mazzuckelli

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McAllister

Rich & Laurie McCoy

Lorrene McCracken

Rick McGinnis

Dr. & Mrs. Richard McGuire

Phil & Donna McKinney

Dr. Robert & Marilyn McKinney

Tim McKula

Tom & Neva McKula

Janet McLaughlin

Virginia B McNeely

Lloyd & Arlene McNeece

Byron McPherson

Marcy McQuillan

Louis & Roberta Meek

Mr. & Mrs. David Meeker

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Meier

Esther Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Meyer

Larry & Linda Meyer

Lloyd & Alma Meyer

Pauline Meyer

Dr. & Mrs. Walter L Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Michelucci

Vicki Middendorf

Karen & Dave Middleton

Dr. Holliday Milby & Blythe

Russell Milby

Mrs. Al Miller

Teresa Miller

Kirk & Maryjane Million

Mrs. Myron Mills

Dr. & Mrs. Ed Mitchell

Janet Mitchell

Newton & Adah Mitchell

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Montee

Susan Moreland

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Moreland & Scott

Elizabeth Morris

Jack Morris

Mr. & Mrs. James Morris

Kent Morris

Shirley Morris

Esther Morrison

Mary Mosby

Kathleen L. Mudd

Mary Sager Mullgardt

Marilyn Mullgardt

Marilyn Munzebrock

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Murphy

Tom & Susan Mussatto

National Starch & Chemical Company

John Neece Family

Darlene Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Nelson, Jr.

Norma Newberry

Delilah A Newell

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Newman

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Newman

Pauline Newport

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newport

HC Neimann

Loretta Nolan

Dr. & Mrs. Frank Norbury

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Oas

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Odaffer

Olson Cleaners

Mr. Edwin G Olson

Ted, Mickey & Tanya Olson

Tim & Lee Ann Olson

Mrs. Louise Ommen

Roseanne & Kathleen Ommen

Elva Orrill

Fred Osburn

Mrs. S.N. Osborne

Kay Knapp Parker

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Parkinson

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pate

Martha G. Patterson

  1. F. Pavlick

Petefish, Skiles & Co. Bank

Dr. & Mrs. John A. Petterson

Mr. & Mrs. William Pearson

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Phelps

Katie Phelps

Shane & Miriam Pierson

Gene & Kay Piggott

Saddie Piggott

Theodore & Sara Pilger

Mrs. Betty F Pine

Mrs. John R Pine

Thelma Pinson

Pizzan’ s Pizza

Mr. & Mrs. Merton L Pond

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Post

Connie Potter

Chandupatia Prabhaker

Prairie Council on Aging

Mr. & Mrs. James Pratt

Tom & Ann Prather

Erlene Preston

Wayne Preston

Mark, Jennifer & Dee Prewitt

Clarence Prudhoe

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Quinlan

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Quinn

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Quinn

R & M Appliances

Robert & Cathy Horn Randall

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ransdell

Diane Rawlings

Alice Kathleen C Reid

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. F.J. Rentle & Vanessa

J.A. Reynolds

Nina K. Richey

Janet Riegel

Lyman & Lyla Riegel

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Richards

Nina Richey

Bill & Rachel Ricks

Robert & Sondra Ricks

Jane Rimbey

Fritz & Lynne Ring

Gene & Janet Roach

Bob & Donna Roads

Dan & Treena Roads

Dr & Mrs. Dale Robb

Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Robbins

Mr. & Mrs. HM Robertson

Mr. & Mrs. James Robson

Larry Rodgers

Darrell & Connie Roegge

Mildred Roegge

Rogers Office-Supply

Barbara Rogers

Larry Rogers

Mrs. Darwin Ronat

Helen Ronat

Roodhouse National Bank

Barbara E Rose

Sean Rose

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ross

Kelly Rothering

Monica Ryan

Paul & Lois Rust

Joe & Jean Sabetti

Jane F Sager

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Samoore

Elma Savage

Michael Savage

Mrs. John Schaeffer

Gladys Schrader

Mr. & Mrs. John Schultz

Sam & Sue Sheets

Grace Scharwark

Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Schildman

Don & Joyce Schmidt

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Scholfield

Vernon Scholfield

Gladys Schrader

Dr. & Mrs. George Schultz III

Mr. & Mrs. John Schultz

Dr. & Mrs. Therron Scobbie

Dr & Mrs. HD Scott Jr.

Dr & Mrs. Harvey Scott III

Lance & Courtney Scott

Merle Scott

Myron & Mary Lou Scott

Ray & Sharon Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sculley

Mr. & Mrs. G.D. Seator

Dr. Lynette Seator

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Seloover

Colleen Seymour

Rob Shaffer

Marie Shaker

Chuck & Lynne Sheaff

Sam & Sue Sheets

  1. Muriel Shennan

Katherine Sheppard

Mr. & Mrs. G Gene Sherrow

Casey Beth, Matthew and Sarah Sherrow

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sibert

Mildred H Silva

Della C Simmons

Ida H Simmons

Dr & Mrs. Richmond Simmons

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Simmons

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sinclair

Mr. & Mrs. Reg Six

Bob & Jan Smith

Edward H & Leigh Ann Smith

Elaine J Smith

Howard & Ann Smith

Mickey Smith

Dr. & Mrs. M. N. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Otis E. Smith

Rheta Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Yorker Smith

Robin Snelling

Sally S Solliday

Jeffrey & Stephanie Soltermann

Mrs. Catherine Sorrells

Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Souza

Mr. & Mrs. Wrenner Souza

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Spangenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spargo

G Burton & Sue Spicer

Mrs. Marge Springman

David E Stacy                                                 

Mrs. Gloria Rae Stahlman & Jamie Stahlman

Pat & Hal Stansfield

John Steckel

Mr. & Mrs. James R Stefl

Marc & Dianne Steinberg

Shannon Steinberg

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Stelling

Dr & Mrs. BG Stephens & family

Dr & Mrs. Malcolm F Stewart

Mr. & Mrs. William Stoner

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Strang

Dr. Barbara L. Suelter

Lee Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Svob

Jim & Eleanor Swain

Richard Sweeney

Pauline B. Symons

Patricia Tagg

Ellen Tarzwell

Albert Taylor

Barbara Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor

Cecil Tendick

Leonard Ten Eyck

Noreen Ten Eyck

Nancy Terwische

Nancy Telzrow

The Book Aend.

The Railyard Boutique (LouAnn, Kevin & Erin Boto)

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tholen

Eric A Thomas

Lucille Thomas

Mrs. Emily J Thomson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Thomson, Jr.

David & Wanda Tiffany

Wayne Tillery

Gilbert & Joyce Todd

Dr. & Mrs. Peter Trace

Mr. & Mrs. John Tribble

Mr. & Mrs. David Truesdell

Mr. & Mrs. George A Trull

Mary Frances Tunison

Ellen Turzwell

Dr. & Mrs. R. Umsted

Mr. & Mrs. Lester Utley

Peggy Vahle

David & Linda Van Aken

Steven Varble

Mrs. Mildred Vasey

Robert L Veness

Dr & Mrs. James Veenstra

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Veness

Dr. Calvin & Ruth Verhoef

Ruth Vernor

Vince’s Lounge

Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Vinocour

Arthur & Martha Vorhes

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Walbert

Ms. Betty Walden

Bob & Gladys Wallace

Patty & David Walker

Patricia Wall

Ron & Marsha Walls

Ms. Cynthia Walmsley

Mr. & Mrs. Russ Walton

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Warcup

Beverly Ware

Jon & June Ware

Jeanne Watkins

Mr. & Mrs. EJ Weigand

Mr. Jack Weigand

Ms. Isabel W Weller

Dr. Susan Weller

Dr. William Weller

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Welles

Ron & Dorothy Weronko

Mr. Wes Menswear

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde West

John & Jo Westberg

Barabara Western

Westown Ford

Pat & Lynn Whalen

Alice Wieber

Beverly Wilkey

John & Eileen Wilkey

Dr. Phoebe E Wilkins

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams

Alice A Willis

Pauline M. Willner

Drs. Charles & Margaret Wilson

Mrs. Jane Wilson

Audrey Dunn Windisch

June Winkleman

Rev. Gardner Winn

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Winter

Michael & Deborah Wise

Betty Witmer

Mr. & Mrs. Sig Wittman

Cathy Wohlers

Lynn A. Wombacher

Debbie Wood

Nancy E. Wood

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Woodward of Magill Printing

Dr & Mrs. Harold Woodworth

Jane Worrall

June & Forrest Worrall

Worrell-Leka Land Services, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. John Wright

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wrightam

Chester & Leanna Wynn & Beth

Mr. & Mrs. William Yamnitz

Mr. & Mrs. William M Yaple

John Yates

Mr. & Mrs. Iver F Yeager

Mrs. Jack Yording

Bessie Young

Mr. & Mrs. Lance Young

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Young

Maureen Zachary

Brad Zeller

Amy Zellman

Bill & Barb Zellman

Martha Zenge

David & Tammy Zink

Dr. & Mrs. OC Zink, Jr.

Matthew Zitzer