“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” – Anonymous

There are several stories, myths, and legends surrounding the theatre in general.  One is about the ghost light. Many theatres use a ghost light,  an incandescent light bulb on the end of a pole affixed to a base. When the performance is over, the lights have been turned off and everyone has gone, the ghost light sets in the middle of the stage illuminating the darkness around it.

Some say it is for protection when someone is on the stage, in the dark, and the orchestra pit covers are off; exposing a far drop from the stage. Others believe it is to ward off the spirits of actors who could bring mischief and mayhem while the theatre is dark.

The “light” not only comes from the theatrical lights, spotlights and ghost light, but over the years the people have lit up the stage with their many talents for thousands of patrons.

Even though the Sophie Leschin Theatre grew dark in 2013 when JDC closed, the light continued for a couple more years.  There were several in Jacksonville that did their part to keep the light of the theatrical arts burning.

It is appropriate and fitting to honor those that brought the “light” to many productions since 1973. These people graced our stage or worked behind the scenes at Jacksonville Theatre Guild and are no longer with us.  Tireless energy and talent from many made each production what it was. 

We are thankful they were all part of our lives in some way!

Henry Aldridge (1993)

Jack Barwick (2003)

Jennifer Bible (2023)

Rand Burnette (2020)

Bix Beiderbecke (2004)

 Judith Beiderbecke (2014)

Joan Bengel (2011)

Genny Brown (1996)

Jack Brown

Christy Smith Browne

Elmer Bradbury (2022)

Ken Bradbury (2018)

Nancy Bradbury (2020)

Jim Burke (2023)

Coy Burnett (2019)

Rand Burnette (2020)

JD Cannon

Steven Cantrell (2022)

 John Carpenter (2020)

Nathan Cooke (2006)

Mark Coultas (2014)

Bob Chipman (2024)

Phil Decker (2000)

 Bill Deem

Roger Deem (2020)

Bill DeFrates (2017)

Jack Duffy (2014)

 Grant Estes (2019)

Gene Fawkes (2003)

Michael Fawkes (2024)

Vern Fernandes (2001)

 Dennis Flynn (2015)

Helen Foreman (1991)

Roy Frankenhoff

Ed Franklin

Elizabeth “Liz” Frazier (2014)

Bob Freeseen (2024)

Larry Gent (2016)

Grady Gilkey

Dorothy Hack (2015)

Margaret Bone Hamer (2020)

Richard Harder

Harry Hendershot

Kim Hepworth (2010)

Mariellen Hermes (2017)

 Daniel “Doc” Holloway (2009)

Leigh Ann Holloway (1989)

Wallace Jamison (2010)

Howard Jarratt (2002)

 C Leplie Kanatzar (2003)

Maxine Kuhlman

Pat Large

 Eugene Laurent (1985)

Lorraine Laurent

William “Bill” Leinberger (2012)

Douglas “Doug” Logan (2020)

Rick Lyons (2022)

Dale Mason (2020)

Jackie May (1983)

 David McFadden (2014)

Richard McGuire

Carmen Mead (2012)

Bill Meier (2021)

Allen Metcalf (2022)

Holliday Milby (2016)

Ferdinand “Ferd” Mucci (2006)

 Pat Nave (2019)

John Neece

Sunnye Neece (2006)

Bill Novy

Becky Burrus Oliver (2007)

 Gerald Raines (2014)

Sarah Reese (2008)

Jim Reilly (2022)

Henry Reynolds (2008)

Don Rigor (2006)

Jon Robb

Carole Robertson (2023)

Gerri Ryan (2019)

Mark Savage (2014)

Judge Gordon Seator (1988)

 Ron Sellers (2015)

David Shaffer (2023)

Rob Shaffer (2003)

Susan Shavatt

Jan Shelburne

E Muriel Shennan (2012)

Leigh Ann Smith (2015)

Ron Tendick (2016)

Leonard Ten Eyck (1992)

Noreen Ten Eyck (1988)

David Van Aken (2015)

Frann Western (2011)

Tim White (2016)

Eileen Wilkey (2003)

John Wilkey (2022)

Angela Large Zachary (2023)

Judy Zink

Please contact us if you are aware of someone that needs to be listed